Deck of Death

Date: 2024-01-17 AO: ao-the-wall Q: Ozborn PAX: MinisterOfDeath FNGs: None COUNT: 2 WARMUP: Mosey to Entrance E Imperial Walkers Sun Gods Side straddle hops
THE THANG: Deck of Death! With a full, shuffled 52-card deck, run through exercises based on suite and card number.
Hearts – Burpees Diamonds – Freddie Mercuries Clubs – Sumo Squats Spades – Bonnie Blair’s
Draw cards one at a time and do the exercises above. Number of card = number of reps. Face cards are 10 reps, Aces are 20 reps, Jokers we ran a lap around the parking lot.
We got through about half of the deck before time (MOD was 10min late 😉)
WARM DOWN: Slow mosey back to the wall
ANNOUNCEMENTS: -MOD’s baby Barrett having trouble sleeping over last few nights -Jasmine -Ozborn’s brother-in-law wedding in 2 months -Ozborn’s brother with new girlfriend -Praise for Ozborn’s marriage this month 🙂
TAPS: Lifted up our requests to the Lord.
Tags: ao-the-wall, MinisterOfDeath

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