We do not show up at F3 for ourselves. We show up for the man standing beside each of us.

Here is one undeniable truth that I know about each of us, we need authentic relationships with other men who are working to be strong fathers, husbands and leaders. Isolation will destroy a man! We have the opportunity to change our community and the trajectory of our families.  Getting in the best shape of your life is just a by product. The work out is the magnet, the relationships and community with other men will keep bringing you back. Lock shields with us and help us accomplish F3’s mission to invigorate male leadership in our community.

  1. F3 is a peer-led workout group. we are not professionals. Read our disclaimer and pick a location near you.
  2. All you need to bring is an open mind and a positive attitude. Wear your regular outdoor workout clothes. A pair of gloves is also recommended. Show up 10 minutes early. We start on time. Did we mention that we work out rain or shine?
  3. If you have not worked out in a while, or even if you have, it is important to MODIFY as needed during the workouts. If you want to go harder – go harder. If you need to take a break – take a break. We encourage all members to push themselves but not hurt themselves. We do not compete against one another. Just show up, work hard, and give your best. That’s all that matters.
  4. We will pair you up with a “Battle Buddy” on your first workout to help get you oriented on how we do things. Feel free to ask questions at any time. 
  5. Keep coming back! F3 is not just a workout group. We are a community of like-minded men who strive to better themselves and establish friendships within the community.