Murderous Monday

Date: 2023-11-13 AO: ao-the-wall Q: Ozborn PAX: MinisterOfDeath, Big Tipper, Plowman FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: Side straddle hops Imperial walkers Grandpa jacks Sun Gods
THE THANG: “Coupon Q-O-Rama” Ozborn – Curls for the Girls MOD – Kettle Bell Swings Big Tipper – Rows Plowman – Thrusters
“Follow the Murder Bunny Trail” Bring our coupons to the bollards lining the parking lot. Murder bunny every two bollards, then run to Monument side entrance and back. Continue murder bunny-ing every two bollards and running until you have murder bunnied all the way to the end.
“Coupon Mary Q-O-Rama” Ozborn – WWIII sit-ups MOD – Good morning darlings with coupon on chest (cheater) Big Tipper – plank relay (also cheater) Plowman – American Hammers
WARM DOWN: Leg spread touch ground stretch Flamingo quad stretch Butterfly stretch Turn the clock stretch
ANNOUNCEMENTS: -Big Tipper lost and found his keys (hooray!) -Plowman considering going for a big bid job at work, prayers for wisdom -Pray for Ted (guy at Common Ground church) I’m getting shower trailer for homeless ministry -Pray for MOD in his continual recent discouragement spiritually -Pray for Ozborn’s (and everyone’s) thanksgiving travel and a work trip this week
TAPS: Lifted up our requests or the Lord
A thought for pondering… Just like Big Tipper’s keys, when we think we are lost and dropped out of our Savior’s pocket, he shows us that we are found in Him.

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