Lunge around the world

Date: 2024-04-22 AO: ao-the-wall Q: Ozborn PAX: A.I., Tech Know, Parmesan, Trumpkin, Belieber FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: Penny pickers Motivators Michael Phelps Mosey to benches next to pond
THE THANG: Lunge around the world: PAX pair up and do a lap around the planters in the middle of the concrete path between the grass and the pond. One PAX does lunges while the other runs. Like a baton race, when the runner does a full lap and comes up behind the lunger, they switch places. The team is done when they lunge around the whole loop.
Q-O-Rama Mary Ozborn: American Hammers x21 cadence Trumpkin: plank relay; Trumpkin won at 136 Belieber: BBS x20 civilian A.I.: LBC x20 cadence Parmesan: T-Bones x15 cadence Tech Know: Good morning darlings x15 cadence
Mosey to the wall Dips x15 in cadence Hand release merkins x20 civilian
ANNOUNCEMENTS: >From me: everyone stop getting injured
TAPS: -Parmesan’s brother moving to Rapid City, prayers for travel and wrap up of current season -Ozborn trip with wife this weekend. Pray for good time spent together -Trumpkin potential job opportunity in Washington -Brink family changes as kids move and Chandelle with sickness and travel today

Tags: ao-the-wall, A.I., Tech Know, Parmesan, Trumpkin, Belieber

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