Lucky 5’s

Date: 2024-04-05 AO: ao-the-wall Q: MinisterOfDeath PAX: Plowman, Space_Ballz, Trumpkin FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: Michael Phelps Don Quixotes Grandpa jacks Arm circles
THE THANG: Five points of the dice :game_die: at each corner performs one exercise and do burpees in the center The corners were Wwiii sit-ups Goblet squats Kettlebell swings Shoulder press And burpees in the center
Each round increases in reps Round 1-1 Round 2-2 Round 3-3 etc… we completed 9 rounds totaling 45 reps of each exercise WARM DOWN:
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Trumpkin – looking for a job Montoya – daughter broke arm Space_ballz – wife in third trimester

Tags: ao-the-wall, Plowman, Space_Ballz, Trumpkin

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